Editing the clips

 We already began sending all the clips to each other and slightly editing them. We also added some music to the background. We had an issue choosing what song to choose seeing as how they were hundreds of songs to pick from. We had to choose a song that would correlate with all the different scenes and moods that are being conveyed in our film. We had to crop all the scenes because some of the frames were either too big or too little. We also have to shorten some of the clips. Some of the clips when added all together they were too long for the two-minute time limit. Knowing that my partner cropped some of the beginnings of each scene to try and meet the requirement. In the day it took to begin editing the clips we had to reconsidered taking more takes and which shots to reconsider this time around. My partner and I had to discuss which scenes should we keep and which ones that wasn't feeling right. As we continued watching the clips we saw that some of them had some good parts to them. (11) My partner said to just use the good part and see how it would look after. I on the other hand thought we should just film the scene again as a whole instead of cropping around the good parts because I thought it'll look choppy. We decided that we weren't just going to use one song but multiple songs. We also had to cut does down in order to fit the scene they were implemented for. My partner's computer began to slow down with all these different elements and all the storage it was taking up. We've complete almost half the work needed to finish the project. We still need to work on the transitions, clean-ups, and audio. Then we shall send it to others to get their opinion. After that, we make some touch-ups and then publish them.


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