Title research: Little America

  What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?

As the movie begins the audience is introduced to the name of the production company, which is Columbia Pictures. Which is an American film studio and production company that is a member of the Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group. Soon after the production title screen disappears it says " A Di Novi  Picture Production". After that title dissipates it gives the names of who produced the movie and then presents the name of the film.

What images are prioritized in its opening scenes?

The images that were prioritized within the opening scenes were a shape hard to explain. The shape was curved and swerved, and was the shape used to present the title of the film. After this, there was a picture of a book or script shape item in the background.

What connotations do these images carry?

The connotations of the image of the shape are used to signify the movie. As it is unique so it symbolizes the movie, so the audience has something to remember the movie with. The image of the book/script could be used to symbolize something in the movie. It could have a deeper meaning as it moves further in the movie.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre at the outset?

The film establishes a sense of feeling of the genre of drama by the choice of non-diegetic sound. As the music continues through the opening sequences the changes of the volume signify a very dramatic mood.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

The strategy used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience is the seemingly elongated title sequence. As many of the younger generations have a very small attention span. The longer the title sequence the less they're willing to pay attention to it. Unlike the younger generations, the older generations that the movie is targeting may enjoy this aspect of the movie. They may respect that they are giving the credit when it is due and is taking responsibility for their departments.

What technology has been used effectively?

The technology that has been used effectively is a computer and a camera. The computer was used to compile the title sequences into one clip instead of multiple. It also the reason why the movie doesn't look choppy. The computer also allowed the music to be placed inside the movie without having it sound like static. Another piece of technology that was used effectively is the camera. As it was used to film the story. We see different shots such as a long shot and a zoom-in.


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