Title research: Band aid (2017)

What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?

The audience is met the producers, writers, and directors of the film for the first few title scenes. Soon after, the text instantly cuts to reveal another text that says " Band Aid", the title of the film, in bold white text over a pink background. Finally, the main characters are revealed as the rest of the editors, and designers are revealed through pink text.

What Images are prioritized in its opening scenes?

The audience is met with the actors having a pillow fight outdoors. This creates a fun outgoing mood because everyone is laughing and having fun. Additionally, the lighting is bright and the actors are wearing bright colors.

After the aftermath Ana and Ben's pillow fight we see Ben as the obvious winner as Dave, the referee declares it, until Ana pushes them both down and claims herself as the victor.

What connotations do these images carry?

These images conjure love and being happy. We see all characters having fun with a smile on their face, a bright setting, and an exciting environment. 

 How does the film establish a feeling of genre in the outset?

The title sequence expresses happiness. Drama typically correlates with the audience growing and feeling what the character feels as they conquer a conflict. Rather than in another genre such as horror where the audience is supposed to feel scared and panicked, genre allows for the audience to feel both happy and sad. In this case, the audience is set with a happy feeling to begin the film which overall grows the connection between the audience and the mood which builds the feeling of drama. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

The older actors, simple color-way, and non-traditional music may drive away a younger audience from viewing this film.

What technology has been used effectively?

The film begins with an eye-line match with Dave the referee which establishes him as some sort of important character as he introduces Ben and Ana by looking at them. The audience then meets Ben and Ana with a low angle shot tilting from their legs to their head. Throughout this part of the title sequence, there is a mixture of close shots and high angle shots to show the pillow fight. All of these elements help bring the happy mood to the film.

                                Image result for band aid 2017


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