Genre research: kicks (2016)

 Kicks is a dramatized adventure that involves a protagonist, Brandon. Brandon is a relatively poor adolescent who is constantly being picked on by his environment, including his friends and peers in school  based on his worn out attire, mainly his "kicks" or shoes. However, when Brandon gets his hands on a new pair of shoes he expects for his problems to go away, however they have just begun as a local hood member steals them from him. Now he and his friends are on a mission to retrieve his kicks though a dangerous suburban neighborhood. 

  • This project contains suspense, not one time did I know what was going to happen next. For example, in the scene were Brandon was returning home, there was no indication that he was going to get assaulted for his shoes other than a group of men following him. Moreover, Brandon has to constantly stay on his toes, while he is in the gang-affiliated neighborhood as he does not want to be robbed or even killed.
    • It also had the constant low-key lighting and incidental music to build suspense in the scene while scenes that were fast paced and light hearted has high key lighting and scores to show express that the main character is feeling ecstatic in some way.
  • I typically enjoyed the themes in the film: always stand up for yourself, look at things from both points of view and never put materialistic objects over the people you love most.
    • I also enjoyed the emotion the film has caused me to feel from sympathy, to anger, to worry, to surprised, to proud. I felt all of these as the main character builds and shapes through the film.
  • What did not appeal to me would have been the reoccurring theme, however, this film is different as it tackles the perspective of the antagonist and a protagonist, rather than just the latter. With three main morals/themes to take away, this film does is an excellent example of a drama.


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