Genre research Drama

 In this powerpoint, we were assigned to research a specific genre and analyze the specific conventions and to recognize what makes this genre different than others. To begin, in the drama genre, the different types of lighting used where low key lighting and high key lighting, usually to show the mood in the scene. Common angles included, but were not limited too, low angles, with common movement being reverse zoom, and tracking. Conventionally, costumes depended on the setting. While a drama filmed in the colonial period would likely depict women with dresses while a more modern drama would likely depict women with jeans and a tee. Elements of drama included suspense, foreshadowing and a consistent theme.    Finally, we researched that dramas usually have some type of score, diegetic, non-diegetic, and incidental music. 

What we realized when researching drama is the reoccurring themes which makes the plot more predictable and repetitive however, dramas have variety, can make you laugh or cry, can cover life lessons such as friendship, and help bring a story to life.


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