Filming Take 2

 This is to further explain our filming procedure.  To further explain the second scene we had to be careful. This is because in the scene the swingset was very old and unsturdy, so we kept rocking back and forth. We had to make sure that the actor was safe and secure and the set didn’t collapse on us. We managed to get about 5 seconds on the swing set which was all we needed to fill up the space in the video.

 The third scene we had to discuss where were we going to film. We had to insure that the place could be seen by the pedestrian and the bully. Well keeping it partially true to what was drawn on the storyboard, so we decided to do it in the parking lot. I explained the difficulty filming the sixth scene, but there was also complications on the fall. The complications were that we had to think about the future scenes and as I mentioned making sure he wasn’t injured. We had him pushed out of frame so the viewers could no longer see him which helped solved all our problems.

I explained the seventh and eighth scene but it’s not all we had to do. Other than what I have already explained we also had to plan what the bystander was doing, and his actions when he saw what was happening to the protagonist. Had to determine how we would convey the emotions we needed to get our points across. 

Scene ten also provided some trouble for us. This is because there was only three of us so only two people could be in frame at a time. This was a problem because in order for the scene to work the way we wanted we all had to be in the frame, but we managed to do it. We had to make sure that the person who was pushed and the spot wasn’t in the scene. We just had to walk more from the initial spot, but not too far that it would seem unrealistic.


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