Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

 1st Scene

This first scene will be an introduction to the main character who is the protagonist in this film. This will be them walking by themselves in the park and will be filmed using tracking.

2nd Scene

This scene will be used to set the mood of the film if the music has not done so already. The protagonist will be filmed with his back facing toward the camera on a set of swings by himself. This will be filmed using a long-shot

3rd Scene

This will be a final introductory scene where the actor will be filmed sitting with their head down to show a discouraged type of expression. Here the audience will recognize a problem. This will be a handheld shot.

4th scene

This will be an introduction to the bully, the antagonist, who will walk into the scene and will serve as a flashback from the perspective of the protagonist. This will be filmed using tracking.

5th Scene

Here eye contact between the bully and the protagonist is established and a clear tension is made within the flashback. This will be filmed using a mid-shot.

6th Scene

Here is where it gets physical. The protagonist and antagonist finally collide and the bully pushes the actor. 

7th scene

This is when a third actor is introduced, the bystander, who was minding their business up until this point, is currently enjoying his time in the park.

8th scene

The bystander finally notices the bullying and fighting and contemplates wether it is his job to step in or to let the assault continue.

9th scene

The bystander comes to the rescue and aids the protagonist by pushing the antagonist away.

10th scene 

The bystander confronts the antagonist and confrontation occurs. this causes the bully to retreat leaving the protagonist and bystander at peace.

11th Scene

This is the final part of the flashback where the actor is walking head-down dragging his feet similar to the way his body was int he first few scenes


Here, we see the maturing and emotional endeavor the actor went through as now he is walking with his head up and his chest out showing a more confident look after the confrontation. 


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